Why all speakers should briefly introduce themselves before a meeting
The advantage: automatic speaker recognition becomes more precise
smAily uses advanced AI technology to correctly assign the spoken content to each speaker. To ensure that automatic speaker recognition works properly, it is helpful for participants to introduce themselves by name and perhaps even their function or role in the conversation before the meeting.
This is how the AI:
- Assign voices more easily: Each voice is clearly identified, which avoids confusion at minutes .
- Understanding the context: Information such as name and role help the AI to structure the content even better.
How does this work in practice?
Here is a simple procedure that you can incorporate into any meeting:
- Moderator leads through the round: "Before we start, I'd like to ask everyone to introduce themselves briefly."
- Each participant states their name and function: For example: "I am Anna Müller, Project Manager."
- Let's start with the agenda: now the meeting can begin and smAily knows exactly who is speaking.
More than just an aid for AI
The presentation not only helps smAily, but also improves communication within the team:
- Getting to know new participants: This makes it easier to get started, especially with large or mixed groups.
- Clear structure: If you know who is who right from the start, you can concentrate better on the content.
We hope this tip was helpful! Write to us if you have any questions or would like to share your own experiences with smAily - we look forward to your feedback. 😊
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