H1 SmAily: your AI-minutes app from Switzerland
It's that simple
Start. Speak. Stop.
Simply record your meetings in the smAily app and smAily will send you the finished minutes directly by email.
The good news? smAily does all the (minutes) work for you.
The bad news? smAily writes better minutes than you do.
Simple. Safe. Made in Switzerland.
Developed in Switzerland, smAily meets the highest security andquality standards. The app creates legally compliant minutes in accordance with Swiss law and EU standards - without storing your data.
minutes at the touch of a button
All you need is a smartphone and you'll have a structured, written minutes in just a few clicks - no technical know-how required.
For board members, executives, board members and anyone who needs professional meeting minutes: With smAily , time-consuming minutes taking is a thing of the past.
Time for collaboration
No more "Who said what?"! Sit back and focus fully on the collaboration.
5 advantages of smAily
For the record, smAily is not just another AI app, but your partner for efficient, transparent and legally compliantmeetings.
smAily: the highest protocol authority
Tested by lawyers: Did you know that smAily was developed in collaboration with
Swiss lawyers? This is just one of the many advantages that speak for smAily .
Keep protocol quality high
smAily always delivers equally good results - anytime and anywhere. The protocol quality does not depend on the form of the day or the person.
Save time (and nerves)
minutes smAily creates high-quality in no time at all. You save time and avoid stress. minutes
Keep your head (and hands) free
Goodbye multitasking! While logssmAily , you have your head and hands free. You can actively participate in discussions without distractions.
Stay fully informed
Never miss a detail! Every word, every moment is captured. smAily provides precise and comprehensive minutes so that nothing is lost.
Always be one step ahead
Because you no longer have to worry about minutes , you can think ahead. Focus on the big ideas instead of the small (minutes) details.
meet. smAil.
5 functions of
smAily ...
... automatically recognizes participant voices
No more confusion about who said what. smAily automatically recognizes and assigns different voices to the corresponding participants.
... supports numerous languages
Even Schwiizerdütsch: smAily understands and processes countless languages and dialects - for even better intercantonal and international cooperation.
... offers three protocol templates
From verbatim to compact to detailed: choose the ideal format for your meetings from three different minutes versions (templates).
... guarantees legally compliant minutes
All minutes comply with the strict requirements of Swiss law and EU standards. This minimizes legal risks and helps you to comply with documentation requirements.
... reliably protects your data
smAily implements the highest security standards and complies with strict Swiss data protection laws. Your data is secure and is deleted immediately after use.
26 cantons, 26 dialects: smAily understands them all
Switzerland is known for its diversity - also linguistically: from Bernese German to Züridütsch and Valaiserditsch. While spoken Swiss German dominates, High German is required for logging. smAily records all Swiss dialects and automatically converts them into High German.
Why all speakers should briefly introduce themselves before a meeting
A clear start is important to ensure that smAily correctly recognizes the speakers in meetings and that the recording works perfectly. A brief introduction of all participants at the beginning helps the AI to assign voices and at the same time ensures a better structure in the conversation.
The smAily-minutes - all in Word format
A good meeting doesn't end with the last word spoken - it only really begins with a clear, well-structured minutes. But not every meeting needs the same level of detail. With smAily , you can choose between three versions of minutes that are optimized for different needs.
Effortless logging with a monthly or annual subscription: find the right plan for your needs here.
The most frequently asked questions
smAily is an AI-based app that records meetings and automatically converts them into structured minutes . The minutes meet the basic requirements of Swiss law and EU standards and are sent to you by email after the meeting.
smAily is ideal for anyone who regularly organizes or participates in meetings and wants to reduce the effort involved in taking minutes. The app is particularly suitable for:
- SMEs and companies: for teams who want to work more efficiently and document their meetings seamlessly.
- Law firms: for precise and legally compliant minutes that meet Swiss standards.
- Boards of directors and associations: for formal meetings where structured and comprehensible minutes are required.
Whether for business or private use - smAily is suitable for anyone who wants to create minutes quickly, reliably and easily.
Yes, the app can recognize different voices and assign them to the respective speakers at minutes .
For best results, we recommend ensuring that the environment is free of interference and placing the smartphone as close as possible to the person speaking.
Don't forget to check the minutes upon receipt to ensure that all information has been entered correctly.
Stay informed!
smAily will soon be available for download! Be the first to know when our app is available in the App Store and on Google Play.